Kaspersky: cookies are vulnerable to theft.

Kaspersky: cookies are vulnerable to theft. 

Kaspersky: cookies are vulnerable to theft.

Discover the experts in the company Kaspersky has two versions of the new rates to malware targeting the operating devices for the Android platform, can the mirrors when merging them steal the cookies collected by the web browser application of the popular social media site Facebook, before letting the thieves the internet to drive hidden on the victim's account to enable them to send many of the content is poorly built.

The cookies are small pieces of data collected by Web sites to track user activity across the internet in attempt to find experiences and interests. 

Often seen cookies known by name (cookie) or cake of the web, as a source of inconvenience to harmless, they can pose a security risk to users, if you fall in the wrong hands,, that's because when you websites to store cookies and such, they use (session ID) uniquely able to determine the user in the future without needing a password or login. 

If your cyber criminals according to Kaspersky's user ID, they can Fool web sites and in the account of the victim, and that's exactly what he did to thieves Cookies These through the development of the Trojan two-encrypts similar controls which server commands and control himself.

Can horses first access rights to the system Root on the victim's computer, allowing thieves to transfer your cookies to Facebook to servers of their own.

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However, it is not enough to get on alone in often to check in another account; it is found in some web sites say security procedures prevent through their login attempts, suspicious, as if the user tries to active in Chicago log in from Dubai after just a few minutes.

Here Comes the role of horses second, who can run a proxy server on the victim's PC to bypass security measures and gain access to without arousing suspicion, and from there, criminals can appear to the user and his account on the social network to distribute spam.

Although the ultimate goal for thieves cookies is still unknown, can page finder on the server commands and the car itself should provide a hint; the picture to learn about the services to distribute unsolicited messages on social networks messaging applications, which means that the thieves might seek to gain access to the account what to take a way to launch phishing campaigns and the messages of spam on a large scale.

Igor Golovin local malware I have Kaspersky, the thieves of the cookies discovered by combining the two attacks, a way to control the accounts of their victims without arousing suspicion, referring to the targeted date, approximately 1,000 personnel, and the number is growing, especially since it is extremely difficult for web sites discovered, in spite of his description of this threat, efforts a relatively, added: “Although we usually do not attach the Cookies any attention when we browse the web, they remain another way of addressing our personal information, we should pay attention always, when it comes to collecting data from across the internet”.

Kaspersky's experts recommend that users follow the following measures to protect themselves from becoming victims of link identification thieves.:

Access to external interface identification files on the web browser in the telephone and only allow data to be saved until exit from the browser.
Make sure to delete the cookies periodically.
Use a reliable security solution, such as Kaspersky Total Security, includes the browsing privacy, which prevent web sites from collecting information about user activity on the internet.

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